1st Level Result has been declared.

Welcome to the World of Real Competitions

CPS Olympiads Foundation is an educational conglomerate registered with the government with a mission to promote competition among school students by providing them with an international platform to excel in their academic career. CPS has organized various educational Olympiads and competitive examinations from time to time, every year for the students to participate and compete in.

The significance of these examinations are that they reflect the correct insight of a real competition such as the IIT/ JEE and many other such competitions which come in a student’s academic career, unlike solely based it on local or regional standards.

CPS Olympiads are very useful as the foundation provides a specialized platform for the school students to excel in future examinations with all the correct and practical features of a real competition. These include a world class standard of quality questions, different difficulty levels as per aptitude and even negative marking for higher classes which is not followed by any of the other groups in India.

By taking part in our Olympiads, the student becomes accustomed to these competitions from a very early age and becomes fearless when they face the actual competition after their 10th/12th standard. Our Olympiads will prepare the students with fast problem solving skills, explore the unexplored areas of the syllabus with special emphasis on easy ways to understand a question, hence making it easy for a student to solve and pass with flying colours. Once your esteemed school participates in our Olympiads, you will automatically feel the difference in the understanding and solving abilities of your students. In other words, by motivating a child, the parent or the school will come to know their ward’s/ student’s academic standings in his/her class as compared to the counter-parts from across India and abroad.

Why A School Should Take Part In The Olympiads Conducted By Competition Promotion Society

  • All the Olympiad groups claim of good quality of questions but in fact, it is not necessary to have quality educational background. We can substantiate our claim because our group is involved in the assessment of Olympiads by various groups from Delhi and competitive exams conducted by various reputed universities of India from time to time for around a decade’s period. We can guide students in areas where they lack and help improve.
  • Our area of specialization is to teach problem solving skill in easy way but at a fast pace because, now-a-days, “Fast and accurate wins the race” . The mission of our society is to teach and enhance the academic level of students far beyond the regular curriculum enabling them to face any unexpected question with ease.
  • The questions prepared by our own R & D team, are very broad-spectrum in nature and touches all the areas where students look forward to explore. Sometimes our questions may even touch the generally unexplored areas of the syllabus.
  • Some of our special questions are prepared by renowned and very experienced teachers of relevant subjects who are already aware of the need of a school student. Our question paper will be more challenging for the students since there will be more number of questions to be solved in a stipulated period.
  • The Society will issue PPR i.e. Participant’s Personal Report, providing an analysis report against every question attempted by a participant of any subject, along with the mark-sheet, enabling a parent or a school to work on the weak areas of the student and improve.
  • Since we are already in the similar business for so many years, there will be no dearth in services or communication after a school register with us for any of our Olympiads.
  • In other words, our society is one of the best so far as school Olympiads are concerned and if your students are inspired to participate, they may bring lots of laurels and accolades for the school in near future.

How The Olympiads Will Be Conducted

The Olympiads will be conducted offline i.e. we will send the question paper-cum-answer sheets for class 1st and 2nd and question papers and OMR Answer sheets for classes 3rd to 12th. After conducting the Olympiad exam on scheduled date, the school should dispatch the question paper-cum-answer sheets of 1st and 2nd and OMR Answer Sheets of students from class 3rd to 12th for assessment. The answer sheets must be received by us within 15 days of conducting an Olympiad otherwise, the result may not be available.



Procedure For Registration

  • Scrutiny

    After receiving the brochure and registration forms for various subjects, please go through the same properly in a minute manner. For any query/clarification either email us or contact at our head office in Delhi.
  • Preparation of Demand Draft

    Prepare demand draft against registration fee and book order amount in favour of Competition Promotion Society and The Edusphere respectively. Also collect details of students and their subjects.
  • Sending of All Documents

    Please put all the relevant documents such as, school registration form, student registration form, book order form and other important documents inside the self-addressed envelope provided by the society for your convenience or use some separate envelope, if necessary, and send to the address given below, at your earliest.
  • Medium of Examinations

    The question papers will be bilingual i.e. all the Olympiads except English Olympiad, there will be two mediums. One is English and the other will be Hindi to facilitate the Hindi belt of our country.