International English Laureate Olympiad (IELO)

English is a language and as a subject is imperative in the life of a student. If someone wants to achieve a higher success level in the future, then a person must have a very sound knowledge of English. There are many students who may boast of their command over English, but speaking or writing of correct and appropriate English is not every one’s cup of tea. In our exam, a student can learn and absorb the right kind of grammar and professional English writing which will help in getting coveted and white collar jobs in future. Take part and assess the difference.

Awards & Prizes

    • All class toppers, 1st, 2nd and 3rd class top rank holders for every subject will be entitled to a GOLD, SILVER and BRONZE medal respectively with 70% and above marks after the 1st level. All participants will be issued a certificate reflecting their marks obtained, class rank and Olympiad rank.

    • 1st Olympiad rank holder of each class with 90% and above Marks will be presented with a TAB along with an attractive memento for their achievement in 2nd level after the result is declared.
    • 2nd Olympiad rank holder of each class with 80% and above Marks will be presented with a DIGITAL CAMERA along with an attractive memento for their achievement in 2nd level after the result is declared.
    • 3rd Olympiad rank holder of each each class with 70% and above Marks will be presented with a MOBILE PHONE along with an attractive memento for their achievement in 2nd level after the result is declared.
    • 4th to 10th Olympiad rank holders from each class of each subject will be presented with a BRANDED WRIST WATCH.
    • 11th to 30th Olympiad rank holders will be presented with a BRANDED PEN.

    • 1st, 2nd and 3rd Olympiad rank holders (maximum mark obtainers from the 3rd level) out of all the subjects will be presented with a scholarship Cheque worth ₹ 70,000/-, ₹ 50,000/- and ₹ 30,000/- respectively. Level 3rd will be conducted in Delhi in the month of either July or August 2021. All the prizes will be delivered to the school within 6/7 weeks of the result declared at our website for any level of competition/examination.


  • Jumbled & Unjumbled words, Rhyming Words and Sentences, Knowledge, Use of A and An, Use of In, At, On, To, Worksheet. Identification of Things/Objects of Daily Use Identification of Characters, Answering General Questions, Correct Spelling and Knowledge of Sounds, Noun (Elementary Knowledge and Recognition), Pronoun (Elementary Knowledge and Recognition), Words with Same and Their Opposites, Gender, Animals and Their Babies, Sentence Formation, One Word Substitution, Functional English
  • Comprehension, Identification of Things/Objects of Daily Use Identification of Characters, Identification of Monuments/Places, Answering General Questions, Correct Spelling and Knowledge of Sounds, Noun (Elementary Knowledge and Recognition), Pronoun (Elementary Knowledge and Recognition), Verb (Elementary Knowledge and Recognition), Singular/Plural, Gender, Use of a And An, Use Of In, At, On, To, Sentence Formation, Clothes, Body parts, Basic emotions, Food, Animals, Animal sounds, etc, One Word Substitution, Words with Same and Opposite Meaning, Rhyming Words and Sentences, Functional English
  • Comprehension, Classification, Analogy, Correct Spelling, One Word Substitution, Jumbled Words and Sentences, Simple tenses, Noun, Pronoun, verb, Adjective, Preposition, Conjunction, Use of Possessive, Tense ( Elementary), Error Finding, One Word Substitution, Antonyms/Synonyms, Story and Paragraph Writing, Picture Composition, Words related to animals, Household things, Clothes, Basic emotions, Food, Animals and Pets, etc.
  • Comprehension, Classification, Analogy, Correct Spelling, Adverbs, Prepositions, Pronouns (possessive, demonstrative, etc.), Simple tenses, Irregular verbs, Modals (of ability and permission, etc.), Basic questions, etc. Understand information through pictures, Time-table format, etc. One Word Substitution, Jumbled Words and Sentences, Types of Sentences, Parts of Speech, Use of Possessive, Tense, Error Finding, One Word Substitution, Antonyms/Synonyms, Story and Paragraph Writing, Picture Composition Collocations, Spellings, Words related to animals, Household things, Clothes, Basic emotions, Food, Animals and pets, etc.
  • Comprehension, Classification, Analogy, Correct Spelling, One Word Substitution, Jumbled Words and Sentences, Spellings, Collocations, Phrasal verbs, Idioms, Homonyms and homophones, Words related to feelings, Travel, Food, Health, appearance, Character, etc. Types of Sentences, Parts of Speech, Tense, Error Finding, Voice, Modals, Direct and Indirect Speech, Subject Verb Agreement , Determiners, One Word Substitution, Antonyms/Synonyms, Story and Paragraph Writing, Picture Composition, Notice Writing, Letter Writing, Message Writing, Differentiating, Between Facts and Opinion, Acquire broad understanding of and look for specific information in short texts like messages, menu card dialogues, etc.
  • Comprehension, Phrasal verbs, Idioms, and Words related to everyday problems, Relationships, Health and Medicine, Travel, etc. Classification, Analogy, One word substitution, Types of sentences, Parts of speech, Tense, Error finding, Voice, Modals, Determiners, Direct and indirect speech, Subject verb agreement, One word substitution, Antonyms/Synonyms, Story and Paragraph writing, Notice writing, Letterwriting, Message writing, Differentiating between facts and opinion, Idioms and phrases, Functional English
  • Comprehension, Classification, Spellings, Collocations, Phrasal verbs, Idioms, and Words related to Travel, Locations; Activities, Homonyms and Homophones, etc. Analogy, Correct spelling, One word substitution, Jumbled words and sentences, Types of sentences, Parts of speech, Tense, Error finding, Voice, Modals, Determiners, Direct and indirect speech, Subject verb agreement, One word substitution, Antonyms/Synonyms, Differentiating between facts and opinion, Idioms and phrases, Functional English
  • Comprehension, Classification, Analogy, Correct Spelling, One Word Substitution, Spellings, Collocations, Phrasal verbs, Idioms, Homonyms and homophones, Words related to leisure, Household items/issues, Social causes, Outdoor locations and activities, etc. Types Of Sentences, Parts Of Speech, Tense, Error Finding, Voice, Modals, Determiners, Direct And Indirect Speech, Clauses, Subject Verb Agreement , Sentence Completion, Homonyms, One Word Substitution, Antonyms/Synonyms, Writing, Differentiating Between Facts And Opinion, Idioms And Phrases, Functional English
  • Comprehension, Classification, Analogy, Correct Spelling, One Word Substitution, Jumbled Words And Sentences, Types Of Sentences, Parts Of Speech, Error Finding, Voice, Determiners, Concord, Question forms, Tenses, Conditionals, Modals, Reported speech. Collocations, Phrasal verbs, Idioms, Homonyms and homophones, Words related to social cause, Travel, Workplace, etc. Direct And Indirect Speech, Clauses, Subject Verb Agreement, Non Finites, Sentence Completion, Antonyms/Synonyms, Story And Paragraph Writing, Notice Writing, Letter Writing, Message Writing, Report Writing, Differentiating Between Facts and Opinion, Functional English
  • Direct and Indirect Speech, Clauses, Subject Verb Agreement, Non Finites, Sentence Completion, Homonyms, One Word Substitution. Word and Structure Knowledge Comprehension, Concord, Question forms, Tenses, Conditionals, Modals, Collocations, Phrasal verbs, Idioms, Homonyms and homophones, Words related to weather, Countries, Language and people, Global problems, etc. Classification, Analogy, Correct Spelling, One Word Substitution, Jumbled Words and Sentences, Types of Sentences, Parts Of Speech, Error Finding, Voice, Determiners
  • READING COMPREHENSION: Comprehension based on Events, General topics, Story, Incident, Current affairs, Historical facts. NOTE MAKING AND PRECIS WRITING: Making notes, writing summary, GRAMMAR: Tense, Voice, Medals, Reported speech, Determiners, Preposition, Clauses, Non finites Common errors, spotting the errors, Omission, ANALOGY: Analogy based on: Similarity, Dissimilarity, Comparison, Logic, Relationship. Resemblance Profession, General multiple question, One Word Substitution Antonyms and synonyms Jumbled sentences Idioms and Phrases, WRITING SKILLS Sentence completion, Improvement of sentences, Report writing, Notice writing, Poster writing, Advertisements, Letter writing, Article writing, COMMUNICATION SKILLS Verbal and non verbal communication Body language, Facial expression, Gesture, Posture Public speaking: The art of speech, Telephone etiquettes, Email etiquettes. Interview etiquettes, Interview Skills, Group discussions, Debate, Extempore
  • READING COMPREHENSION: Comprehension based on Events, General topics, Story, Incident, Current affairs, Historical facts, NOTE MAKING AND PRECIS WRITING: Making notes, writing summary, GRAMMAR: Tense, Voice, Medals, Reported speech, Determiners, Preposition, Clauses, Non finites, Common errors, Spotting the errors, Omission, ANALOGY: Analogy based on: Similarity, Dissimilarity, Comparison, Logic, Relationship, Resemblance, Profession, General multiple question, One Word Substitution Antonyms and Synonyms Jumbled Sentences Idioms and Phrases, WRITING SKILLS: Sentence completion, Improvement of sentences, Report writing, Notice writing, Poster writing, Advertisements, Letter writing, Article writing, COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Verbal and non verbal communication: Body language: Facial expression, Gesture, Posture Public speaking: The art of speech, Telephone etiquettes, Email etiquettes, Interview etiquettes, Interview skills, Group discussions, Debate, Extempore


Important Date & Venue

Last Registration Date Examination Date
30 September, 2024 16 October, 2024
31 October, 2024 16 November, 2024
  • 1st level will be conducted for all the registered participants in their respective schools on the scheduled dates for a particular subject.
  • 2nd level examination will be conducted in the month of February among 600 topers of 1st level from all the subjects to select the top ranking participants of the Olympiads. The venue will be again the school itself.
  • 3rd level examination will be conducted between number 1st Olympiad rank holders of 3rd to 12th only from all the subjects in Delhi to select top three winners.